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This page in your ‘Account & Settings’ tab gives you the option to opt-in or opt-out of notifications related to your connected Emburse card activity. To access these notification settings, you will need to visit this page in Abacus via the web.
Emburse notifications will display from the Abacus mobile app on your smartphone. Both users and admins with a connected Emburse corporate card to their account will be able to opt-in/opt-out of an Emburse notification. All Emburse notification settings are highlighted below:

When selected, the following notifications will:
- “Reminder to capture receipts on Emburse transactions”: Immediately after the Emburse card is used for a purchase, this notification will prompt you to capture the receipt for the transaction using your phone.

- “A queued expense submits successfully”: Your queued expense has been submitted automatically in the Abacus mobile app. It will move on to receive any approvals from your “Unexpensed” page.

- “A queued expense failed to submit and needs review”: Your queued expense failed to submit automatically. This expense will have returned to your “Unexpensed” page and requires editing before re-submission.
- “A pending transaction is voided”: A transaction that was in a “pending” state has now been canceled by the merchant, i.e. when a “payment hold” is removed from the card.