Parliamentarians of Iota
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Here's a cheat sheet for speaking in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order:
Here's a cheat sheet for speaking in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order:
1. Get recognized: To speak during a meeting, you must be recognized by the chair. Raise your hand or address the chair to seek recognition.
2. Be concise: Keep your comments clear and to the point. Avoid going off-topic or repeating the same points.
3. Wait your turn: Speak when it’s your turn, and do not interrupt others. The chair will call on you in due order.
4. Address the chair: Begin your comments with phrases like “Mr. Chair” or “Madam Chair” to direct your remarks to the presiding officer.
5. Avoid personal attacks: Focus on the issues, not individuals. Avoid making personal or disrespectful comments.
6. Use proper language: Maintain a respectful tone, and avoid using offensive or inflammatory language.
7. Motion and second: If you want to propose a motion, wait until recognized, then say, “I move to [state the motion].” Someone else must second the motion for it to be discussed.
8. Debate the motion: After a motion is on the floor, you can speak to support or oppose it. Address the chair and stay on-topic.
9. Yield the floor: Conclude your comments by saying, “I yield the floor” when you’re finished speaking.
10. Follow the rules: Familiarize yourself with the specific rules of your organization or assembly, as variations may exist.
Remember, Robert’s Rules of Order can be complex, and it’s essential to maintain respect and order during meetings. This cheat sheet should help you navigate the basics of speaking within this parliamentary procedure.
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