Chapter Leadership Support

  • Chapter Leadership Support

    Posted by Anthony Harden on May 17, 2023 at 8:09 am

    Our Fraternity is shifting financially and culturally. As we continue to move the dial, we need chapters to update their processes to match our flow.

    I recommend that each chapter consider implementing a financial support line item into their chapter budgets for chapter leadership to attend conferences on behalf of the chapter. It does not have to cover the entire cost. This action may not increase the drive for Brothers to run for leadership positions however, it will help incentivize long-term leadership. All support does not have to come in form of money. The chapter can reduce chapter dues for these individuals, pay partial national dues, etc.

    Chapter Proposed Financial Support

    Chapter Polaris – $200

    Chapter Vice-Polaris – $150

    Chapter Secretary – $100

    Chapter Treasurer – $100


    Anthony Harden replied 1 year, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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