Reply To: How much would you pay to be a delegate at Conclave 2025 – Indy?

  • Anthony Harden

    May 14, 2024 at 10:31 am

    As an organization, we have to evaluate our current model and make some tough decisions/adjustments to fit what we want. This post was generated so we can learn our audience/membership. Conclave belongs to all of us and we have to all center ourselves around it to make sure we have the experience we are looking for. Below is my basis for the registration cost:

    EST. Number of Chapters – 130

    EST. Number of Delegates – 260

    F&B – $50K (3 days x 260 delegates). Necessary to ensure we have timely meetings. Plus we need to meet minimum.

    Audio & Visual – $40K. We can scale down if we offered an alternate approach for regional breakout rooms

    Dias – $15K. Necessary per protocol guide

    Travel – $35K. Necessary per travel policy/protocol guide

    With the amounts above without adding in decor, marketing (huge expense), miscellaneous materials, and cost associated with the conclave experience (I.e. Gala, Parties, gifts, luncheons, etc.), we are already at $538.

    This is why I’m trying to engage the brotherhood early to prepare. Registration is achievable however, brothers will need to stay engaged and fundraise.