Good Health WINs funding and expenditures must focus on building an army of good health champions who understand the importance of immunizations across the lifespan. The goal is to educate, advocate and impact families and communities across the U.S. to address health disparities and shine the light on the importance of good health.

Funding Request Portal for Chapter-level and other events
Learn more information about GHW: goodhealthwins.iotaphitheta.org
Link to submit Funding Request: bit.ly/IPT-GHWfundingY3
•Priority consideration will be given to Undergraduate Chapters, then Alumni Chapters collaborating with Undergraduate Chapters where feasible.
•The Project Manager is authorized to revise final funding amounts based on past performance, national and regional equity, and funding availability.
•Appeals to funding decisions may be submitted to the International Grand Treasurer for reconsideration.
Mini-grant funding considerations
All mini-grant funding requests must be submitted by a Chapter Member in Good Standing (nationally financial) who will serve as the Point-of-Contact. The Chapter Polaris must be consulted and listed on GHWs funding request submissions.
The Point-of-Contact and Chapter Polaris listed on funding request submissions must review GHWs informational training and have been certified as a “Trusted Messenger” by the Project Manager or his designee. Certification is available to any member of Iota Phi Theta through instruction in the Fraternity’s learning management system or training sessions conducted by the Project Manager.
Prior to a chapter receiving a funding allocation, the Point-of-Contact will:
•Have attend at least 1 NCNW Community of Practice (CoP) session within the past 30 days of submitting a funding request. See schedule here: (click here) https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwlfuqorjkiHNO-MwBzzInpNIJ5IrwVztmL
•Register to attend the 2023 Conclave
•Register to attend their respective 2023 Regional Conference
•Understand credit card usage in the Abacus system (virtual or physical card)
•Agree to timely expense reporting through Abacus within 3 days after end of event.

Approved Graphics

What you and your chapter can do…
1. Become familiar with, and participate in, the work of state vaccination coalitions.
2. Host educational webinars, Town Hall Meetings and other gatherings to raise vaccine awareness and confidence.
3. Collect and report data on participants in activities including, race, age, gender and zip code.
4. Identify and build relationships with community providers including hospital systems, faith-based organizations, retail outlets and community health centers (FQHCs) to increase vaccine opportunities and remove barriers to access.
5. Create and share communications materials, including videos, fliers, newspaper articles, tool kits, newsletters and pamphlets with the CDC.
6. Deploy educational campaigns using social, broadcast, earned and paid media to address hesitancy, access, misinformation and disinformation about vaccines.
7. Set up informational booths at fairs, conferences, conventions, athletic events, homecoming and other gatherings.
8. Take advantage of opportunities to incorporate health and COVID 19 vaccination messaging into existing organization communications campaigns and strategy.
9. Meet with local broadcast, print and Internet producers, hosts, reporters and editors to sensitize them to vaccination messages.
10. Organize events and educational campaigns directed at raising awareness of safety, efficacy, affordability and accessibility of COVID 19 vaccines.
11. Support and leverage CDC’s flu, COVID19 vaccination and other health materials for Black and Hispanic audiences.
12. Organize mobile and/or pop/up vaccination sites.
13. Facilitate transportation and other services as needed to overcome barriers.
14. Meet with local medical societies, bar associations, teacher unions and other interested groups to encourage expansion of pro-vaccination messages.